Friday, December 3, 2010

The life of stray dogs (so pathetic) 2

Many people are willing to help stray dogs . However, they are worried that the stray dogs are dirty because have not bathed for several months or years. Because of the diseases, they are not willing to give food and drink to the stray dogs.

Some people are also willing to give food and drink to the stray dogs. But, the fact is they always say they are sympathetic to the dogs , always saying " oh, so poor...we must help the dogs!" but actually they will reluctant to give food and drink to the dogs when they always think maybe their neighbours will give food for them.
" Maybe the neighbours will provide food and drink to the stray dogs, so i don't need already."

Most people hate dogs or do not care of the life of stray dogs because they had been bitten by the stray dogs before. Thus, they are really against the stray dogs now.

Well, for those people who had been bitten by the stray dogs~
Actually, not all the dogs are keen on bitting and chasing people. Some dogs are still obedient and good.
The fact is if you don't touch or approach them, they will also ignore you.  
It is because i faced this case a lot and i had been bitten by dogs before too. Thus, i already know the ways to avoid being bitten again.
If really cannot, you should try to look at dogs' eyes or moves. When their eyes or moves are something wrong, you should fastly leave this place. It is very important.

Secondly, for those people who loves animals so much, it is useless for you to always speak without act!
You should show your love by straightly give food or drink to  stray animals. It doesn't matter that if you neighbours had given food already or not.

Lastly, you all should not afraid of disease. You don't need to touch them by just giving food and drink to them.

1. Giving food and drink in the place that they always appear.
2. Giving food and drink near to them in a good distance. ( although it is far, it is fine as long as the dogs know)
3. Drinks should be provided to them too if can because
"dogs can survive 3 days for food but 1 day only for water" 

Conclusion,it is indeed that we should not use these excuses to stop feeding stray dogs.
Just imagine the stray dogs will really become skinny, illness and weaker!

Every problems can really be solved!

So, a little contribution that is giving food and water is really can help the stray dogs to keep survive!
They don't really need what, but they most likely need food and water as they are always searching for food~

Please help your stray dogs in your neighbourhood now....don't delay~ Thanks!

悲哀生命的流浪狗 2


这就应该是 “心有余力而不足”吧!






P。S 狗狗是很需要水分的,因为狗可以饿三天,可是每天一定要喝水。








悲哀生命的流浪狗 1

好多人都会问“为什么附近的流浪狗那么麻烦,好吵啊!不能忍受了~不止胡乱小便,夜晚不停地发出吠声,找寻食物时把垃圾桶都打翻了,好多垃圾在路上。快点叫人来 “清除动物”啦!”



(如果有的话,那么请问你们在拥有自己的宠物时,曾经有对他们说过“我好疼爱你啊”或者“我会一直照顾你的”? 当你在贪新厌旧时,你就忽略了你对他们说过的话,不顾他们的感受就随便抛弃他们在任何的街上。)

(那么,我想问你们的 “疼爱”是有多深呢?你这种不负责任的主人根本都不是疼爱他们,因为你们因为他们老了所以就嫌弃他们。另外,你们把他们随便抛弃在任何街上,他们变成了流浪狗,很明显的你不止对自己和狗狗不负责任,而且更加对居民不负责任。)

(因为居民都会对你的流浪狗感到很烦躁,所以才会叫了“清除动物”, 而完全都不会怪你(因为他们都不知道你的所作所为,那么你应该会感到很庆幸吧?)

(无论如何,大家都应该学习忍耐流浪狗所带来的麻烦。 如果无法忍耐了,就应该投诉,而不是立刻要求残忍的   “清除动物”。 )
 (另外,有些人特别是有些马来人就是不喜欢狗狗。我明白他们的不喜欢,可是他们也不至于搬弄是非,要求残忍的“清除动物”。 有些狗狗还是蛮怪,河水不犯井水的,可是他们就是偏偏要玩弄狗狗,狗狗就以为是和他们玩而已,结果就被抓了。)

我只能说无论是不负责任的主人,没有耐心和同情心的人,你们问问自己如果你们是处在狗狗的处境中,你们会体谅他们吗?你们觉得你们做得对吗?你们知道 “清除动物”是很残忍的吗?


下次,请你们在要求 “清除动物”时,先想一想, 然后才行动。因为,你的宽容能帮助悲哀的狗狗们。主人也应该知道 “拥有了狗狗,就应该履行对他一生的责任”!


The life of stray dogs (so pathetic) 1

Without all your helps, the life of stray dogs will really bad and so pathetic!
Actually, some people will blame for authorities that " why not catch all these stray dogs, the dogs are causing problem to our neighbourhood..barking at night, causing rubbish, peeing everywhere !"
These kinds of people are mostly Malay people! (of course,i am not saying all Malay but absolutely MOST Malay are really hate dogs)
So, for solution, they will just do "animal cleaning" to kill these stray dogs to solve their problems.

Actually, why don't human just think of the main reasons? Why these stray dogs will become serious problems in your neighbourhood?

1. Asking you,your friend, your neighbours or anyone that you see if they get abandon their old pets especially dogs in any street ?
 ( these people are really irresponsible owners because they don't follow "once you have dog, you have the responsibility for life"! whether you like it or not, you should be responsible for yourself and other people by not just simply throw your dog in any street. As a result, people will just feel angry and just blame the dog but not you ( because they don't know your act).

2. Asking yourself ( are you really think you are human?)
  ( Not most dogs are annoyed but some dogs are still obedient without disturbing residents. But, some residents especially Malay really dislike dogs and they just blame that the dogs are disturbing them and call for "Animal Cleaning". )
( I am not blaming for this matter because i had been seen these cases for several times! It is really out of the way~)
(These kinds of people, i can just say you are comforting yourself by killing many dogs. )
( if you are really irritated by the dogs, you should try to be patient first ,if really cannot, you should at least seek for other solution ,but not "Animal Cleaning")

The fact is actually many residents and people are not really aware of the cruelty to dogs in "Animal Cleaning".

Imagine if you are in the dogs' situation, you are being abused same like them, don't you think "Animal Cleaning" is too cruel to you?

In a nutshell, as a real human, you should be patient , considerate and loving animals.
And, the people who had abandoned or call for "Animal Cleaning", you will really get a sin for this matter because you are straightly killing the dogs.

Just think before acting! Thanks~

Animals Cleaning Pics

<<<<Dogs in captive lorries
 <<<<< Simply throwing dogs into lorries.

Welcome to SAM (Saving Animals of Malaysia)

This is the blogspot specially for SAM (Saving Animals of Malaysia). No matter you are animals lovers or not, i hope you all can visit and read the blogspot because the animals are really needing your helps! Your little concern,awareness or contributions can really help these small animals. Thus, any animals news from Malaysia or other countries, points, diaries, pictures and more will be updated here. 

P.S you can leave any comments here if you want...

(Try to imagine if a dog is growling for pain, killed by car, become handicapped,hungry..., will you show your sympathy?)

(I hope human has their sympathies to help the animals. Please spend some time, pay some efforts and ponder some loves for them!)

这是SAM的博客。SAM是(Saving Animals of Malaysia). 宗旨为一心一意地往全方面来帮助弱小的动物。无论您是爱动物者或者不是爱动物者,请抽出您少许的宝贵时间来阅读本博客因为这些动物真的很需要你们的帮助!只要您付出少许的关心,醒觉和爱心,那么他们就有的救了。为了提高大家对动物的认识度,本博客将送上国内和国外有关动物的新闻,知识,日记,图片等等。

P。S 如果您有什么意见,非常欢迎在本博客留下您的留言。




World will be only peaceful if the people are loving~


thank you! 谢谢~~

Please start your kindness for animals now. 别等了,就现在一步一步地帮忙弱小的动物吧!

Dog Adoption

There is a lil' white male puppy for adoption. Anyone interested to adopt, please contact Christina at 0124387875.

rescued male pups (3 months old) looking for a good home. Interested
adopters please contact Kathy at 0164280133. Adoption is FREE.

A 6 months old mongrel abandoned by her owner is currently looking for a good home. She is a good guard dog and thus given the name Tiger. Her rescuer has brought her for spaying and is willing to bear the cost, so adoption is FREE. Interested adopter(s), please contact: 012-2528098 or 016-6802609.

A female puppy for adoption.

Interested adopter(s), please contact Tashny at 012-4032063.

4 males and 2 females...just admitted to the shelter today. Who is interest to adopt? Call Mdm. Tan at 012-5523447.